DIKOŠ PETER, SVD, ThDr., PhD., adresa: Yarra Institute For Religion And Social Policy, Melbourne, PO Box 505, Box Hill VIC 3128, Phone: 9899 4777, pdikos@magma.ca, director@yarrainstitute.org.au, www.yarrainstitute.org.au, http://www.ytu.edu.au, narodený 13. 8. 1967 v Terchovej (v Žiline), ordinovaný v r. 1991, 1987 – vstup do SVD, 1991 - 1993 - Pápežská Gregoriánska univerzita Rím – ThLic. z cirkevného práva, 1993 - 1994 - direktor postulantátu SVD a vyučujúci na Teologickom inštitúte v Nitre, 1994 - 1996 - správca farnosti Močenok, 1997 – 2004, 2006 – aj k r. 2011 - misie Papua New Guinea (Papua Nová Guinea, skratka: PNG) - asistent farára farnosť Kuli, 1998 - 2002 - farár vo farnosti Minj a súdny vikár cirkevného súdu arcidiecézy Mount Hagen PNG, 2004 - profesor na Univerzite sv. Pavla - Teologická fakulta Ottawa Kanada, 2005 - sudca regionálneho apelačného cirkevného súdu Mount Hagen PNG, 2005 - 2007 - dekan štúdií v seminári Dobrého Pastiera Fatima PNG, 2006 – ThDr. - Kanada, 2006 - 2009 - člen Divine Word University rady Madang PNG, 2008 - 2010 - viceprovinciál SVD PNG provincie Mount Hagen, 2008 – aj k r. 2011 - rektor seminára Dobrého pastiera Fatima Banza, PNG, od r. 2011 - Yarra Institute For Religion And Social Policy,
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(Stephenasser, 12. 6. 2021 19:53)
This is a story based off of one of my friends and I. He is my best friend in the entire world. I wouldnt trade what we have for anything.
Adam is my best friend. He is about 63 and is kind of tan considering its always cold here. Hes skinny but has a lot of muscle. He is the star player on our schools basketball and baseball teams. He is so super nice to everyone and is very smart. Hes in a lot of my classes. Hes kind of shy and quiet too.
Gray Rock
(Leroybaw, 12. 6. 2021 13:23)
I just dont understand what happened? Jax spoke to Tyler as they rode in the front of the bus on their way back to gray rock. They continued the discussion as the boys complained about not getting to see the girls and such. The whole bus ride back was noisy. As the bus pulled into the parking lot and the cadets made their way back to the dorms Jax and Tyler made their way to the armory to check in their weapons. Jax spoke as they walked I know you dont agree with all the behind the scenes stuff he motioned with his fingers as if quoting. But I also have seen how you look and act around that cadet…whats his name…max.
Caravan of love
(ChesterNor, 12. 6. 2021 8:10)
God I need a cigarette! I gasped as I collapsed, exhausted, at the top of the small mountain my team had just hiked up in the Lake District.
Youre supposed to be setting us a good example. Khalid laughed as he flopped down next to me quickly followed by his two schoolmates.
Fu…To Hell with that! I laughed, I deserve one after a walk like that.
Still laughing at me puffing and panting the boys whispered something, then Khalid turned to me and asked nervously; Do you really want a smoke?
Turning His Angel Into A Slut
(StephenExtex, 12. 6. 2021 2:58)
I tried so hard to remember what had gotten me here.Could it have happened that first night in the movie theatre?Could it have been when he was fucking me?Could it have been in the theatre today?These are all questions that went through my head.
The first night we went to the movies turned out to be a most memorable one.My Daddy wanted a blow job.He didnt care who was around, or if they saw, he only wanted to release and release he did.He unzipped his pants and pulled them down away from his cock then took his hand and wrapped it around the back of my neck.
Bright and Early
(Georgelep, 11. 6. 2021 22:05)
Anya lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling of her moderately-sized dorm room. Her digital alarm clocks LCD display burned a crisp 4:05 AM in the darkness. In two hours and a half she would have to go to class. Her music player was still operating, singing out Pink Floyds later, more ambient sounds. In her head, she went over all the homework she had and every project due withing the next three weeks. Everything was according to schedule. She continued to stare, thinking about how she would make the most of the first weekend her roommate, Tara, was gone.
First gay experience
(Jesuschand, 11. 6. 2021 16:25)
My dad and I had always been close in what some people would call an odd way. My mom passed away when I was 3 so dad basically raised me by himself. Growing up we did everything together. Cuddled (sometimes he would be naked) and watched sports, went to games, he would give me baths, and some other stuff. But as I got older I noticed how dad would start to look at me more and more and for longer amounts of time.
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Sexy story
(MichaelNeunk, 11. 6. 2021 8:36)
Its hard to pinpoint exactly when it dawned upon me for the first time, but I think it was as I was relaxing in the hot tub room with Melia after I had fucked her for the first time. The realization hit me; I was essentially a god here in this primitive age of 2015. And, if I were to confine my time travels to the past from 2015, nothing could stop me from doing as I wanted. I had three beautiful women with me on board my all powerful craft, time was on my side- the technology given to me by the Jogany meant that I would not age for a couple of thousand years.
Seductive Spin Class
(Williamimmor, 11. 6. 2021 3:30)
My 4 p.m. Timberlake spin class is about to start and all I can think about is the path my life has taken. I, Benjamin, a once bad-boy with a fetish for bees used to brothel hop and go to matinees alone to use only the most buttery of popcorn to relieve myself in times when my flesh light was stolen. It wasnt until I hit rock bottom half way through what I thought was flight of the bumblebees, when I realized I was masturbating to Akeelah and the Bee and tearing up along with Laurence Fishburne as Akeelah correctly spells logorrhea, when I decided to turn my life around. Trading matinees for daily spin classes, I have devoted my life to healthy eating, exercise and the LA lifestyle. Although my life is now back on track I cant help but have cravings for large breasts, dripping pussies, and holding my cock watching it blow with the force of one thousand fire hydrants – now thats some good shit.
Job Opportunity
(CharlesEmbop, 10. 6. 2021 21:42)
This is my first story hoped you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I appreciate any compliments and/or tips. Tell me if you want me to continue this story. Thanks <3
Every day was different when working at the police station, but Carol was still taken aback by what she discovered when she walked into work. She was surprised when she walked into the main area to be greeted by the chief inspector Stan, who was standing next to a woman of early 30s, wearing a red latex outfit that showed an ample amount of her cleavage, which Carol could only guess was DD.
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Čítate to - potom to funguje! ;))
Považovať, LoliteUnido1452
El Torero
(GregoryNag, 10. 6. 2021 15:10)
The air conditioner on my old Honda Prelude had died along with the radio, and now I was soaking in the last breaths of the cold air. Just before the temperature in that hot box became unbearable, a pale girl on a bicycle appeared, my salvation.
Jesus Tabitha, you said youd be home 2 hours ago. Im gonna need a jump now, I complained as I slammed my car door. Well, the skinny red head started, locking her pink mountain bike to the rack, that is what youre here for isnt it? I gave only an amiable smile as the double entendre wouldnt dawn on me for another moment. Well where the heck have you been?
Different Dads, Different Daughters
(Donaldsquig, 10. 6. 2021 8:59)
The next morning Ryan woke to the definite sensation of something warm, wet, and wrapped around his hard and throbbingcock. Peeking under the covers his curiosity was rewarded with the deliriously sexy sight of Patty sucking him while she was in a state of pleasure and happiness. Mind you, if hed taken the time to look, he could have figured it out by the up and down motion of the covers, or by the air movement that her bobbing created. But just that lustful sight was worth the effort of his exploration.
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(ScottlYday, 3. 7. 2021 17:55)